Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer System Evenly Distributes Heat from Source to Colder Spaces of Your Home

The room that receives more sunlight than others become heated naturally in comparison to those that are located in the shade. Heat transfer system allows you to have cosy and warm rooms in the entire home.

Using a heat transfer system, you can balance the temperature by distributing the heat equally to different corners of the house. On occasion, your fireplace, heat pump or heater can act as the heat source.

We offer diverse types of heat transfer systems depending on the requirements of the home. Our team of qualified professionals can install a heat pump system in the home too.

Call or contact us to get a free quote today.

How a Heat Transfer System Works

Heat transfer refers to the exchange of thermal energy between physical systems. Both pressure and temperature may play an important role here in heat dissipation. For heat transfer, the fundamental modes are conduction, diffusion, radiation, and convection.

What Heat Transfer is Utilized For

The heat transfer system takes advantage of the existing heat source for spreading warm air throughout the home during colder months. The heat from the heater, fireplace and heat pump is utilised for balancing the temperature making it comfortable for living. Uniquely designed centrifugal fans push the air minimising the air disturbances and noise.

Reduces Energy: When you use a heat transfer system, even temperature can be experienced in the home. Due to this reason, you may not have to use the air conditioning system or a heater all the time.

Circulates Air: Due to the proper distribution of the air throughout the home, you may not experience any stale air. It becomes possible to inhale fresh air.

Controls Temperature: The heat transfer system helps to maintain a balance between the temperature by warming cold areas and cooling warm areas.

Creates a Comfortable Environment: Proper distribution of heat creates a comfortable temperature inside. So, you can relax.

Use of Air Transfer Kit

Installation of a heat transfer kit pushes air from one room to another making the entire home comfortable. During winter months, the heat transfer system distributes the warm air from the heated room to other living areas that cannot become warm easily due to their positioning.

On the other hand, a heat transfer kit takes cold air from one of the cooler parts of the home to other warm areas lowering the temperature of the home in the summer months.

Get in touch to get a comfortable home.